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6 Tips For Keeping Kitchen Plumbing Running Well

Let’s be honest. How often do you think about your kitchen plumbing? Unless the drain is clogged or the water isn’t working, you likely don’t think about it at all. But, you should on occasion. Doing a few simple plumbing tips on things you can do to can keep your kitchen plumbing running smoothly.

  • First Tip: Don’t put grease down the drain or disposal! Kitchen grease is the primary culprit that causes clogs. It sticks to the sides of the pipes and disposal. Then, other debris gets embedded into the grease, eventually causing a kitchen sink clog. Drain grease into an old coffee or cardboard milk carton. Wipe excess grease out of pots and pans with a paper towel before washing them. If you get a drain clog from grease, call a kitchen plumber to clear the problem.
  • Run very hot water through your drains at least once a week. This helps dissolve grease build up along the pipes. This will help clear away any stuck debris as well. If your hot water doesn’t get very hot, pour a pot of steaming water down the drain instead. It wouldn’t hurt to do that to bathroom drains as well.
  • Use plenty of cold water when running a garbage disposal. Water helps flush out the contents of the disposal. So, before you turn on the garbage disposal, turn on the cold water full blast. As the disposal grinds down the contents, it will flush out. The cold water will also keep grease in a solid state, preventing it from coating the inside of the unit.
  • Clean faucet aerators. You may notice on occasion that the pressure fluctuates when you turn on the faucet. This may be happening because of a buildup of sediment in the aerator. That is the fine screen that covers the end of the faucet. Here’s a tip: You can remove the aerator by screwing it off the end of the faucet. Rinse it out under flowing water and replace. If that doesn’t fix the pressure fluctuation, you need to get a professional to look at the problem.
  • Clean your disposal. Because you grind up a lot of different foods in the disposal, you may find it emitting foul odors. Cleaning it out regularly will prevent this problem. Dump a tray of ice cubes into the disposal along with a couple of orange rinds. Then turn it on. The ice chunks will knock stuck debris loose, while the orange rind deodorizes the interior of the disposal. While the disposal is still running, add a small amount of dish washing soap. This will remove any grease build up. Flush the disposal with cold water for 30 to 60 seconds to clear out any remaining debris. If the odors remain, call a professional for assistance.
  • Get minor problems fixed quickly. If you have a faucet drip or a kitchen pipe leak, get a professional plumber in to fix it like our team here at Cooke’s in Stuart / Port St. Lucie. Leaks and drips only get worse over time. If you don’t address them quickly, you may sustain water damage. And water damage is far more expensive to fix than a simple faucet drip or kitchen leak.

All of these kitchen plumber tips will help you keep your kitchen plumbing working well. Doing a few preventative things will prevent bigger problems down the road. If you need help with your kitchen plumbing, call on the experts here at Cooke’s Plumbing and Septic, we’ve been keeping
faucets flowing and sinks draining smoothly for residents of Stuart, Port St. Lucie and surrounding areas for over 50 years!

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