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Tips On How To Fix Your Clogged Bathroom Sink

bathroom sink with plumbing snake down train to fix clog

Plumbing systems are designed to be clogged. Sounds a bit confusing, right? Well, there’s no way around it because when anything other than water runs down the drain, it accumulates over time and clogs the pipe.

The good news is that there are plenty of easy solutions to remove this clog. Before we talk about how to do that, let’s take a look at why bathroom sinks clog:

From hair to skin flakes, dirt, soap and toothpaste scum, phlegm, and the occasional vomit, these are some of the reasons why a bathroom sink clogs. The gunk usually gets attached to the drain pipe and covers the pivot rod, which blocks the drain.

If you have easy access to the drain, you will see a ball of black slime when you pull it out. Trust us when we say this: It is not a pretty sight!

The most common solution to this problem is removing the clog and cleaning it. However, when the problem seems to be internal and deep, you need to bring in the big guns, by which we do not mean chemicals. We are highly against store-bought solutions, as they can erode the pipes and cause a leak. This will not only increase your water bill but also cause foundation problems. Moreover, if the clogged sink is in the upstairs bathroom, you might see mold start to develop on the ceiling in the downstairs room.

Following are five easy ways on how to fix your clogged bathroom sink:

Pour in the Boiling Water

Pay attention to the word boiling because regular hot water from your tap will not do the trick. The hotter the water, the better it will dissolve all the organic matter.

So, fill a kettle with water and boil it. Pour this water slowly down the sink. You might have to do this multiple times and check if the water is still backing up. Three kettles out to do the trick.

Warning: If your pipes are made of PVC, we don’t recommend this solution as the hot water can loosen the pipe joints.

Vinegar and Baking Soda

Your pantry is full of ingredients that work better than chemical cleaners. Two of them include vinegar and baking soda, and they can clean just about anything from clogged drains to rusted tools. Add 1/3 cup of baking soda in 1/3 cup of vinegar. When the mixture starts to fizz, pour it down the sink. Let the liquid coat the pipe’s walls for 10 minutes, and then pour boiling water to flush out the gunk.

You can also use sodium hydroxide, also called caustic soda, with water. It produces the same fizz as vinegar and baking soda, but its reaction is dangerous and can harm your skin. So, if using this method, make sure to wear rubber gloves and create the mixture in a wooden bowl.

Clean the Pivot Rod

The clog may be just below the stopper. In this case, the best thing you can do is remove the pivot rod. Use a screwdriver to loosen the stopper’s nut and remove the rod. You can then clean the pipe and screw it back again.

Use a Drain Snake

This handheld auger is a plumber’s favorite tool. It not only allows you to dislodge clogs but also remove them from the drain.

Remove the sink’s stopper and push in the drain snake. Once you reach the clog, you can turn the crank and push the snake into the clog. This will break the gunk and allow it to travel down the pipe. Some of it will be caught by the drain snake, which you should dispose of in a plastic bag.

Use a Dry and Wet Vacuum

A dry and wet shop vacuum is a heavy-duty appliance that can clear any clog. To use it, you need to create a seal first with a plunger head or a plastic bottle. Then, set the vacuum on high liquid and let it do the work. The suction of this vacuum is strong enough to clear solid as well as moist clogs.

And this is how you fix a clogged bathroom sink. If none of these tricks work, we recommend calling a professional plumber. It’s possible that the problem might be more than just a clog, in which case an expert will be better able to handle the mess. Cooke’s Plumbing offers 24/7 plumbing services in Florida. From unclogging drains to repairing faucets, toilet replacement, and more, they offer all. To get in touch with them, call on (772) 287-0651.

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